SINTA Score Overall
SINTA Score 3Yr
SINTA Score Productivity
SINTA Score Productivity 3Yr

Research output per 5 subjects all year (2014 - 2024)

Source By : Scival

WCU per parameter

Under Development

Paper per Subject per Year

Source By : Scival

Paper per Subject per Lecturer (FTE) per Year (x100)

Source By : Scival and QS-Analytics

Citation per subject per year
Citation Overall

Citation in Art & Humanities

Citation in Engineering & Technology

Citation in Social Sciences & Management

Citation in Natural Sciences

Citation in Life Sciences & Medicine

Source By : Scival

Citation vs self citation per year

Source By : Scival

Citation per Subject per Lecturer per Year (x100)

Citation Overall

Citation in Art & Humanities

Citation in Engineering & Technology

Citation in Social Sciences & Management

Citation in Natural Sciences

Citation in Life Sciences & Medicine

Source By : Scival

Lecturer vs Student Ratio per year (x100)

Source By : QS-Analysis

International Lecturer Ratio per year (%)

Source By : QS-Analysis

International Staff vs Full-time Equivalent

Source By : QS-Analysis

Headcount and Full-time Equivalent

Source By : QS-Analysis

Fulltime and Part Time Lecturer

Source By : QS-Analysis

International Student vs Full-time Equivalent

Source By : QS-Analysis

Graduate and Undergraduate Student

Source By : QS-Analysis

Full-time and part time Student

Source By : QS-Analysis

International Student Ratio

Source By : QS-Analysis

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Article Quartile
Research Output
  Scopus GScholar WOS Garuda
Article 63 3.377 0 1.517
Citation 222 15.544 0 35
Cited Document 41 1.521 0 11
Citation Per Researchers
Divided Lecturer of PDDikti
1,09 76,20 0 0,17
Last update :2024-09-28 19:32:01
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